Tuesday, October 8, 2024

PT: Day 7 (Eval day + upper body)

Today was evaluation day! I also did something nice for a kid in the store. And some huge storm/tornado is heading towards Florida!!! I hope everyone there is ok and all the animals will be able to find shelter too. My heart goes out to everyone over there♥

Today was upper body day and i did:

  • LAT pulldowns 3x12
  • ??????? 3x?
  • ??????? 3x?
  • ??????? 3x?
  • Russian Twists 8kg 3x10
  • Triceps something 3x10

So yeah evaluation was today. It was ok. Nothing special. Kind of useless tbh. My PT isn't really working with me on my anxiety as i would've wanted. I usually have to talk about things myself. In the beginning he said he was going to give me assignments to do and i haven't gotten any of those as of yet. Just that i say "i will go to the gym alone on Monday" and then i just don't end up going and there are no consequences. I didn't bring that up during the evaluation but eh. After the evaluation we started doing upper body machines. It was really weird doing it and i am so weak!!! I had to use the lowest weight on all the machines except for the triceps machine. And i also didn't even get to 10 reps on most of them I also realized that my left arm is way weaker than my right one. I think i don't like machines for upper body day (except lat pull down) and i prefer free weight exercises. I do really feel my upper body burn tho, more than when i do it with free weights but dang. Also, i forgot exactly what we did so i can't really note it down LOL. We also did russian twists. I think i want to do an upper body day on Thursday at home, but we'll see.

After the gym i went to the nearby store and there was a kid there who was buying a coke and he was 10 cents short. I felt bad so i ended up giving the 10 cents. He said "THANK YOU M'AM" and when i went out of the store he was on his bike with his friend and he said 'THANKS AGAIN M'AM'. Lol. That was cute i guess. Neighborhood cats also dropped by as always being cute and stuff :)

And then Florida. Things seem pretty crazy over in the States right now. They already just dealt with another hurricane/tornado (i forgot the name) and now another one is coming, and it's worse. I will never not understand how people who live in hurricane/tornado areas don't build their houses in caves or underground or something like that LOL. Maybe i think too simplistic about it but if it happens so often or if there is a threat of that happening you would wonder... right?

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