Yesterday i talked with my best friend about toxic fitness culture and how annoyed i was with it after i came across this video:
I told him how it felt like the Dark Souls community and he agreed. He said that he feels that the fitness community somehow brings out the worst in people and that it seems that no one cares about you doing better (as a beginner). He also said it is difficult sorting through all the information that is out there, which i agree with a lot.
I feel like i am putting so much pressure on myself; that i have to be perfect before i do any exercise in the gym otherwise i am a LOSER. And it's like... dude... i have to begin somewhere, right? How can anyone expect a total beginner with 0 muscle mass to do anything correctly in the gym. Sometimes i wish i was overweight, that way people would go like "oh look at the fat girl trying to lose weight!". And when i am doing something wrong they just attribute it to me being fat. Now i am just a skinny girl at the gym and most people probably think i am an instagram thot or whatever, and i'm not. I don't even care if other people think my body is hot or not, i want to be confident in my own body, and that is it. I can't help it that i have decided to go for stronger legs, and that most of those exercises also happen to be exercises insta thots do a lot for their butts???
Something i did realize about those "fit girls" is that most of them have very flabby cores, and even though they work out their glutes a lot, their legs don't have a lot of muscle definition. That is definitely not what i want to look like.
It's annoying knowing that people have preconceived perceptions of you when you are in the gym working out, especially as a woman. I wish i didn't have to overthink these things and i could just close everyone out and focus on myself in the gym. It is definitely difficult to do that in the gym i go to, because no matter where you are, you can see everyone at all times. It is difficult not to notice people and what they are doing, rather than the opposite. At least my next two leg days will be at home so i don't have to worry about that right now.
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