Thursday, April 6, 2023

Today sucked

The gym today was horrible. I decided to go a little bit later cause Google said that no one was there, which was a lie. Usually Google is pretty accurate with estimating how many people are somewhere (it usually works for all the stores i go to) but apparently for the gym it isn't that accurate. There were as many people as usual, and the funny thing is that i saw some people that i usually see at the normal times i go: i usually go at 11-12, today i went at 2. 

I was warming up on the elliptical and before you know it, a bunch of middle schoolers came in and started to hog the entire weight training area. Everyone who was working out there moved to other sections cause the kids were so loud. It was like a group of 8 scrawny 15-16 year old kids. They made me so fucking anxious with their bouncing around the entire gym. I normally wouldn't care if it was a bigger gym, but it is a pretty small gym, so if they hog an entire area with a group of 8, that will hurt the rest of the people there. I am dreading summer vacation already.

I wasn't able to do my last two exercises, i only managed to do:

  • 10 minute elliptical
  • 10 minute stair stepper
  • abductor 3x15 (25kg > 25kg > 30kg)
  • leg press 3x15 (30kg>40kg>50kg)
  • adductor 3x15 (25kg)
  • romanian dumbbell deadlift 3x12 (8kg>10kg>10kg)
  • cable kickback 3x15 (15kg)
  • resistant band kickback 3x12 (at home)
  • resistance band routine (at home)

I couldn't do the abductor and adductor after each other cause an old man was hogging the adductor machine; he was writing a message on his phone with 1 key stroke per 5 seconds... I also realized that if i do abductor first, i can't go as hard on the adductor and vice versa, so i might just alternate between them in days. The leg press went pretty good. 30kg is definitely too easy for me now. I then went to 40kg which was a bit more difficult, and then i went to 50kg which was a little bit more difficult today for me. I did 6 reps and i couldn't anymore. So i got up, rested, sat down again, and did 6 reps with 50 again. I did this 4 times. My legs were DEAD afterwards. So this is something i will probably keep doing. I got the idea from Will Tennyson cause that is how he did one of his exercises. It really burns when you do that.

I didn't get to do my romanian dumbbell deadlifts because by the time i was done with my other exercises, the kids had moved from the barbell area to the dumbbell area, and i couldn't do my cable kickbacks cause there's this girl who is always in the gym (i swear she's there ALL THE TIME) and she was using it. And i wasn't in the mood to wait, and i was scared that she thought i was copying her or whatever. I don't know. All dumb stuff. All in all, i felt anxious, i wasn't having fun, so i went home. At home i did some cable kickbacks with the resistant band, and i did a resistant band routine to make sure to tire out my glutes.

At least my legs feel exhausted cause of the leg press, but i definitely feel like i could've done more today and i am disappointed. I tried to do some romanian dumbbell deadlifts at home, but my lower back started hurting for some reason so i just gave up. I hate days like this. At least i get to work-out at home the next few days. I remember, some time ago, i followed this routine from a smaller fitness youtuber who mainly works with calisthenics and his routine was INSANE. I might look it up again and do that on Saturday. I am also gonna look into a barbell with weights for at home. I wish i had enough space and money to make my own gym at home, so i can work out in peace. The only reason i wanted to go to the gym is so i can train myself to lift higher weights, and so far i haven't done that at all except for the leg press. It makes me so fucking annoyed.

There used to be this really big gym in my old town where i grew up. That gym was so nice. The way certain areas were sectioned off and most sections were huge too. That way if you were working out in the arm area, you couldn't really see anyone in other areas which helped with reducing gym anxiety. The gym i go to now is just one area and you can see everyone and everything (i know that most gyms are like this nowadays) but i just miss that old gym. 

I also found another gym in my area but it seems more like a personal trainer gym. I am not even sure if it is the type of gym where you can just waddle in and work-out whenever you want. There's also no prices on their website (you need to inquire) so i am gonna assume they are expensive as fuck lol. 

I am also 100% sure my gym doesn't have a hack squat machine which annoys me. There is another gym that is kind of far away from me (probably 8 minutes by car, but i dont have a car) and it seems like a big gym, and i am sure that they have a hack squat machine, but that gym is just too far away. I am just annoyed cause as i said, i have NO IDEA what i am doing. Having a gym buddy would help. And the people who have been going to my gym do not seem like they want gym buddies at all. I don't know anymore. A part of me really wants to give up, but at the same time i know that if i persevere, things will fall into place on their own. I just have to go through the awkward shit phase first, which sucks.  

What i also find dumb is that there are always at least 2 people behind the desk at my gym. They aren't doing anything. It would be helpful if they walked around the gym and helped out beginners with their exercises, but no, if you want that type of help you have to pay for it, because then they basically become "personal trainers". How stupid is that? Having someone help you out with exercising should be part of going to the gym, at least for beginners. I don't understand why it is something that needs to be paid for. You are already there as a worker, you get paid, you aren't doing anything, so why not just offer help to beginners? Absolutely stupid. It makes me want to start a gym myself that is more beginner friendly. Maybe even have an upstairs and downstairs with the exact same machines but let downstairs be for beginners and casual fitness people where workers can help people out with proper posture etc., and then upstairs be for intermediate and hardcore people who require no help and just want to exercise in peace. 

Now i want to rant about capitalism and how everything in life is set up to maximize profits instead of maximizing people's comfort and happiness, but i digress.

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