Thursday, April 6, 2023

New routine, perhaps?

Okay so, i think i finally came up with a program that i want to follow. It is not a perfect program, i am aware of that. It probably lacks a lot of whateverthefuck but i am a beginner, i have to keep in mind that whatever i do at the start it wont be perfect. Why is everyone so obsessed with being perfect nowadays anyways? It also happens when you play video games, especially games like Dark Souls; a game where you have a lot of trial and error. If you aren't immediately PERFECT at playing that game people are like "bruh you are doing it wrong" "you aren't playing it right omg". WELL YEAH DOH??? THIS IS MY FIRST TIME PLAYING IT I AM SO SORRY THAT I DO NOT KNOW THE EXTENSIVE MECHANICS BEHIND THIS GAME JFC. And i realized this exact same sentiment in bodybuilding/fitness/what have you.

So yeah anyways, i want to start doing this at the gym:

  • Bulgarian split squats 3x10-12
  • Hip thrusts 4x15-20
  • Barbell squat 4x15-20
  • Romanians 3x10-12
  • Cable kick backs 3x10-12
  • Leg lifts 3x10-12
  • Leg extension 4x15

Is it a perfect program? Probably not, but i will probably see a lot of growth in the first month that i will be doing this. I am thinking about just waddling in on Wednesday, i might go a bit earlier than usual so the insta thot isn't hogging all the machinery i want to use, and just show a trainer there what i want to do and ask them to show me how the machines work and what i need for each exercise. I think that is just the best thing to do right now. Once they have shown me how everything works, i will start working out. I will just do the same weights with everything in the first week so i get used to the exercises and doing them at the gym, and then maybe in the second week (depending on how well certain exercises go) i will split my work-outs up so i can go higher in weights and lower in reps to push myself to the max. I think this is my best bet right now.

Then in the second week (when splitting up the work-outs):

Day A
  • Warm-up (20 minutes)
  • Bulgarian split squats 3x10-12
  • Hip thrusts 4x15-20
  • Cable kick backs 3x10-12
  • Leg extension 4x15
  • Stretch
Day B
  • Warm-up (20 minutes)
  • Barbell squat 4x15-20
  • Romanian deadlift 3x10-12
  • Leg lifts 3x10-12
  • Leg extension 4x15
  • Stretch

I think that will be pretty good, and for the exercises that go well i can start increasing weight, like i am doing with the leg press currently. Gonna implement this on Wednesday and i am not gonna chicken out.

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