Thursday, April 20, 2023

The gym today was awesome!

As the title reads, the gym today was good. When i woke up this morning i checked my mail and it said that i was getting my barbell stuff between 19:00 and 22:00. Which was still not really as helpful but at least that meant i had the entire day to do whatever i wanted. I did have problems getting out of bed this morning (i really didn't want to and felt really tired) so i ended up going to the gym at around 11:40PM but then when i was just about there i realized i forgot my gym key, so i went back home, and i just biked to the gym instead of walking, so i was at the gym at exactly 12:00. 

It was a little bit crowded but it was mainly bigger guys, and some friends who were working out together. The vibe was nice so i didn't feel thrown off. This is what i did today:

  • Warm-up (20 minutes)
  • Hip abductors 3x15 (25kg) 1x15 (30kg) 1x15 (35kg) 1x15 (40kg)
  • Leg press 4x15 (30>40>50) 1x10 (60kg) 1x1 (70kg)
  • Cable kick backs 3x12 (5kg>2.5kg)
  • Leg extension 3x12 (15>20>20) 1x8 (25kg)
  • Lat pulldowns 3x15 (20>20>25kg)
  • Stretch

I think this was my most successful day at the gym yet. I did hip abductors and i kept going up in weight, but it started to bore me (lol) so i went over to the leg press. Doing 60kg was pretty difficult on the leg press and doing 70kg was near impossible, but i hope to build up the strength to do at least 2 reps at the end of next week with 70kg. 

The cable kick backs were a disaster again, i even went down in weight, and i could not feel it in my glutes again, i don't understand it. I did some band kickbacks at home as a warmup and i could feel my glutes perfectly fine. I even did some kickbacks without the weight at one point to see how i should be standing and i kept not feeling them. It's just odd, but i am obviously doing something wrong. So that is under investigation until further notice.

Leg extension went decent as well. Since my max weight wasn't determined last time i just played around with the weights, and jeez louise, leg extensions are hell to do. My legs started to sour up every time at 12 reps, and with 25kg i could only get to 8. The problem isn't even that the weight is heavy and i can't pump it, it is literally the acid you feel building up in your legs. Really nasty feeling lol.

And to top it off i did my lat pulldowns today! I first did it with 20kg which was a bit too easy, but then 25kg was a bit too difficult but i kept going with it. My last 5reps were HELL but i powered through it. Next time i'm gonna start with 25kg instead.

When i came home i drank my protein, stretched, and just chilled a bit. I had to go to the grocery store to stock up on food again, so i did that. I usually do not like to go to the store during the day cause there are always so many people (why? why cant you go later or in the morning). They also take their entire families with... it's always a disaster. Anyways, i went, cause i didn't need that much anyways. Then i got home and i relaxed and played some computer game while listening to a podcast.

Then around 18:00 the doorbell rang and there were 7(!!!!) packages for me with my weights yay! I now have my weights. The barbell itself is heavier than expected and the 20kg plates are KILL, but i am very happy with my stuff. Now i only need a squat rack and i am good to go. I have to also figure out where i am gonna store all this but i was thinking to just put the plates under my couch on a thick piece of carton so i can easily shuffle them around and grab them when needed, and i can put the barbell wherever i want, so i think i will do that.

My arms hurt like heck, and my legs only hurt a little. I am excited to work out with my new stuff this weekend!

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