Thursday, April 6, 2023

Bodybuilding - just squat bruh - forum rant

In my journey to find out more about the leg press i have been reading a lot of different posts and threads on the Bodybuilding forum and jeez those guys are annoying. People ask questions about the difference between certain leg presses and all they can muster up to respond is "herpderp just do squats bro". That wasn't their question, was it? Most of them also said that there is barely any difference between the different leg presses, which to me also seems like bullshit. That is why i keep saying DO. YOUR. OWN. RESEARCH. I found one thread from 2013 where people seemed to theorize more between the different leg presses, but you still find the occasional "just squat bruh" comments, and overall it seems that no one really knows the difference.

Will Tennyson (whose legs grew insanely big in the last year) (i also mentioned him being an inspiration for me in one of my first posts) said in one of his recent videos, where he showed his insane leg gains, that doing squats weren't growing his legs adequately. I am therefore not saying that squats aren't helping your legs grow at all, i am just saying that they probably wont put a huge bulk on your legs.

"I used to squat heavy all the time and i got nowhere, but the second i started implementing hack squats and leg press, my legs blew up." -Will Tennyson

I think that overall, learning how to squat is important cause it helps with your core stability and you learn the movement properly. I just don't understand that when someone says they don't want to implement squats currently, that it is such a big deal? I understand that they are important, but what are some different ways to grow your legs?

Most guys (especially the ones who are active on forums, circle jerking on how big and strong they are) only know what works for them specifically. I have seen a few knowledgeable posters who seem to really care about bodybuilding as a sport, and seem to hold a lot of knowledge too. Unfortunately, this is the minority. Not only that, but a lot of posters are so quick to judge too.

Before i started this blog i made a post on the forum asking about my work-out schedule that my trainer had made (before properly doing my own research) (which was dumb i know) and the only advice i got was, and you guessed it, SQUAAAATS. Even though i specifically stated in my post that i do not want to do squats (yet). Instead of working with the information they have, and even if they know better, they do not try to work with you. I would ultimately like to add hack squats to my program (i just don't know if my gym has that device lol). I am sure that only doing squats isn't going to grow my legs, so what other exercises could i do? No one mentioned any, just squats.

I am all for proper advice, but these assholes can be so judgmental with their holier-than-thou attitude like they hold the holy grail to fitness. Most of these guys like to have big arms and shoulders, so why did i even expect any proper leg advice from them? It is super funny to me cause why does the "don't skip leg day" meme exist again? Oh yeah, because most men SKIP LEG DAY. I see that at my gym too, almost all men who are there have very toned upper bodies while their lower bodies are just untoned sticks and it is very unattractive. These are the same men who do SQUATS, so if SQUATS was really the answer to growing your legs then explain to me why all these men have 0 definition in their legs? 

It seems that the collective brain mass of the entire Bodybuilding forum is akin to that of a worm, maybe they would benefit from doing some brain sports like chess? I don't think brain gymnastics is working out really well for them.

I am just going to wait a month, make a new account, and ask my original question but add squats in my program to see what the meatheads have to add. If only the squats were missing from my program, then they could've literally just said that? It is so funny how they get so incredibly upset when they don't see squats in your program. It almost makes me not want to do them to see how far i can get in growing my legs, but as i said, i do want to do them cause i do think they are an overall good work-out since they also target your core. 

I have been watching some other youtube videos from guys with big legs who also say that squats are overrated and that you don't have to do them. Like for example in this video from a small Asian man with huge legs called Eugene Teo:

He seems to agree with what i said:

"I think most people should work on getting proficiency in the barbell squat at some point. It's absolutely not an essential movement. Progressively overloading your body over time and being consistent is important so do whatever allows you to do that and you'll get fantastic results." - Eugene Teo

I also ended up finding a leg day thread on the forum where people post their leg days. The OP asked "What are you guys doing on your leg days? Ofc squats but what else? post your leg routine here pls!" and everyone answered normally (except for one guy who said squats squats squats). This thread seemed  very helpful, even though most of these guys seemed like long-time gym goers. It at least gave me a sense of what i should kind of work towards. Oh and as expected, every single one of them does other things besides squats. I do not understand why the guys in my thread couldn't give a rough overview of what a good leg day looks like for a beginner instead of berating me for not incorporating squats in my program. Most normal people don't even dare to go into weight/resistance training territory because of judgmental and non-helpful people like most of the guys in my thread. If you are spoken to like this, who the fuck would want to? Staying on a treadmill is way safer, and at least you can't do that wrong!

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