So yesterday no cardio cause my gym buddy is still recovering and now it is Tuesday and my gym buddy is still recovering. I didn't do legs yesterday cause i was out of meds and couldn't focus on anything, and I don't think i will go to the gym cause i feel that is just extra resources spend that i am not in the mood to spend right now. I am also currently not under the contract of the PT anymore so i can basically do whatever i want. I am just annoyed that i am basically left in some state of limbo with no guard rails just because my gym buddy fell ill. He btw also never messages me to tell me he is still sick. Last week i texted him every day to see how he is doing and i told him to let me know when we will work-out again, but i keep not getting any messages that he is "still sick" or whatever. Feels rude to me. It's funny cause he is always exclaiming what a great guy he is and that he was raised well LOL. I hate those types of people. If you were raised so well you would either say "i'll let you know once i have recovered fully" or you will just let me know on a case by case day (so every monday, tuesday, and friday) whether you will go to the gym or not. Just rude, dude.
So anyways, haven't done upper body at home for a while so i have to figure out what i wanna do.
- shoulder shrugs on pull up bar 3x6
- bent over barbell rows 3x10 (10 kg)
- bar curls 3x10 (10kg)
- DB lat pull over 5x5 (7.5kg)
- military press 3x12 (10kg)
- side bends 3x12 (7.5kg)
- sitting twists 3x12
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