Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Leg day at home

I felt pretty good today. I thought i was gonna struggle, but i felt like i could push myself better. Idk if its because i have my meds again or if i am just having a good day.

  • Abs (15 minutes)
  • Stretch (10 minutes)
  • Bulgarian split squat 3x12 (5kg)
  • Goblet Squats 3x12 (5>7.5>10kg)
  • Hip thrusts 4x12 (1x20kg > 3x30kg)
  • RDL 4x12 (1x16kg > 3x18kg)
I first did my abs. I did: . With the two last ones coming from the Youtube channel Squatuniversity which is basically a physical therapist teaching you stuff. Those two exercises apparently help with core balancing or something like that idk. I tried them and i really did feel my core tense which was nice, so i think i will keep doing them together with my other workouts. I also like doing abs before leg day cause it warms up my body pretty well so i can stretch nicely.

I did my bulgarians with the 5kg weight plate again but i think i can easily go up in weight next time. Because of that i did my goblet squats with higher weight (with build-up). The 10kg went pretty well. Hip thrusts at 30kg were a PAIN. For me the biggest problem is just having to guide the weight and it feels like i get shortness of breath. I HATE it. Having a hip thrust machine or even a smith machine would help so much with that. Honestly, having a smith machine at home would be the dream. I actually found one that is 500-600 bucks that seems pretty compact (it is made for smaller spaces) and you can buy additional hooks so you can make it into a normal squat rack as well. I might look into that. I could easily put it in my backroom. That might be something i will look into for summer. Cause i know i can more easily grow my quads if i can do smith machine squats vs a regular squat (cause of the motion). And that way i can also practice bench press etc. AND i can do RDLs with a higher weight probably. I think overall the smith machine will help with getting my workouts done faster as well, so i will definitely look into it at some point.

I also need wrist straps cause i am already at 18kg with my RDLs and i feel that the weight is becoming pretty heavy. I also need grip tape or lotion or gloves(?) for the gym. Whenever i am in the gym and i do exercise machine for upper body my hands become so slippery. I don't have this problem at home, only in the gym and idk why that happens. This makes it very difficult for me to hold on to the weights and i often slip with my hands which makes me unable to do all my reps fully (like i still have the strength but i can't hold on anymore). There's this really tall guy in the gym who looks like a power lifter who wears gloves as well, i might ask him about it.

From my workouts yesterday i mainly feel my LATs and the sides of my core and the back of my arms lol. Might be that new exercise that i did lol. I also feel my shoulders a little bit so i guess i did something right.

Oh and i got a message today from my gym buddy! He asked if i still do cardio on Thursday and i said "uh yeah" which is not true but he doesn't need to know that. And he said he might want to go with tomorrow. So i guess i am doing cardio tomorrow. I actually had upper body planned but i might do that in the weekend since my roommate is gonna leave again to do his car stuff anyways. 

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