Tuesday, January 7, 2025

PT Day 31: Upper body

Today went pretty well! I asked if instead of doing the normal standing pull-down tricep work-out we usually do i wanted to do the overhead one. It was so tough! I could only do 3 sets of 6 reps, but i felt it in multiple different muscles in my arm, which was pretty nice. So i think i will keep on doing that one. My training buddy didn't like it so he just did the pulldown one. We also used the machine for assisted pullups and i used the 40kg one. I have no idea how much i weigh but i would guess between 55 and 53kg since the machine didn't move at 60kg but it did move at 50kg. Next week is the last week i believe i have with my PT but he said i can keep training with him since he keeps training with my training buddy so i can just tag along, but i will have to do my weigh-in and stuff like that. So i think i might do cardio every day and do some fasting this weekend. I just really badly want to have different numbers on the scale next time i'm on it and i want it to be a big change, so i guess i will do that. 

So tomorrow i want to do a leg day at home + cardio. Then on Thursday i want to do upper body day at home + cardio. And then Friday we do leg day at the gym with a little bit of cardio. And then in the weekend i will just do a fluid fast. I might just chug away protein smoothies and my new clear protein. The delivery guy was btw at the door while i was home? But he didn't ring the doorbell? And the package is at my neighbor now who isn't home... so instead of drinking a protein shake after the gym i had a protein bar. Which is kind of lame. But oh well. 

Oh and i did 100 crunches this morning!

  • 100 crunches
  • 5 minutes treadmill
  • 3x15 lat pulldown 25kg
  • 3x10 rows 30kg
  • 3x12 lie incline dumbbell chest? 7kg
  • 3x12 sit up dumbbell alternate bicep? 6kg
  • 3x12 shoulder press 5kg
  • 3x6 overhead tricep idk 5kg
  • 1x20 assisted pullups 50kg 1x15 45kg 1x10 40kg

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