I was biking to the gym when i realized my bag was really light and i forgot my water bottle. I was already running late, but now even more. I was like 10 minutes late, but i still got my workouts done in time which is cool! It was pretty quiet in the gym. More elderly people than usual. There was a personal trainer next to me talking to his client and about the "January gym memes" and he said that it wasn't that bad and joked about it.
I also tried the lying leg press today! I could do about as much weight as the other leg press so i feel like it doesn't really matter which one i use. I did realize, just like with the sitting leg press, that my butt almost comes off the chair so i feel like it doesn't matter which one i use the problem stays the same. The lying leg press is super imposing though, so i think i will use a mix of them depending on my DOMs tomorrow hehe.
(i just checked and it seems like what i am doing is normal. my lower back stays on the pad it's just my butt that rotates with my legs so it seems like i am doing it right? maybe i need to bring a mirror next time so i can see what i am doing LOL)
My upper body is still ever so slightly sore from Tuesday. The overhead tricep pull KILLED me, which is a good thing i guess. Next week on Tuesday my training buddy and i will be in earlier cause i have my evaluation and it's at 2.30 and normally we train at 2. So we will train at 1 without the PT and then the PT will come in at around 1.30-2. So i asked the PT to send me an overview of the workouts that we do and he made a picture of his booklet so i FINALLY know my actual reps and sets for upper body! Uh but yeah this is what i did today:
Adductor 3x12 37.5kg
Leg press lay 1x15 30kg - 3x12 60kg
Abductor 1x15 42.5kg 2x12 45kg
Leg curl 27.5kg 1x12 30kg 30kg
Kickback hamstring curl 10kg 3x10
Leg extension 1x10 35kg, 3x8 40kg
I went up in weight with the leg curl, hamstring curl, and leg extension. The leg extension 40kg went easier than i thought so i think next time i will go up in weight a bit.
Oh and here is my announcement: i think i am going to eat less calories and thus less protein. I will write more >>>
I constantly have a flabby belly. Last year when i started working out i at first became very slender, probably because i was doing cardio 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes and sweating my ass off every time. And i did 3 leg days a week + 1 or 2 upper body days which killed me. I ate more or less the same calories as i do now, but my protein intake was jumping everywhere from very low to very high. I would usually get around 40-60g BUT I WAS STILL GROWING MUSCLE. Obviously i wont get huge with such a low protein intake BUT i think i want to be happy with my body soooo... i want to make some changes.
I remember about 3 years ago or so i used to do intermittent fasting. This meant that i wouldn't eat until 4 and drink a protein smoothie or eat lunch, then eat my dinner, some dessert, maybe a late night snack, and then stop eating at 11PM. This helped SO much. At first it was difficult but later on it just became how i ate and it was nice. I think for me, personally, it is the best "diet" to follow for me. Since i am small in height and easily seem to gain weight, i think i need to eat like this. I also think that 1,200 calories are my max, regardless if i'm working out or not. Maybe later on when i start lifting heavier or whatever i can always increase my intake, but otherwise i don't see the point right now because i am not comfortable with what i look like, while 2 summers ago i totally was!
I also used AI to make a schedule for leg day on Monday cause i want to do leg days on Monday but it always seems so overwhelming because it sometimes takes me 2 hours to finish. So i told AI my reps and sets, what i wanted to do, how much time i wanted to spend on it etc. and it gave me a whole overview! It even counted in warming up and cooling down WHILE I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THOSE THINGS LOL. It's a pretty nice overview, i will probably post it here on Monday.
So my plan now is:
1,200 calories a day
60-80g of protein a day
100 reps of core workout daily
Monday: cardio + leg day at home
Tuesday: upper body at the gym
Wednesday: core
Thursday: cardio + upper body at home
Friday: core + leg day at gym
Saturday: rest
Sunday: core
I think when it becomes nice weather i will start running at night again. I used to do that religiously and my legs started to look really nice. I just have to wait for the cold weather to leave which will probably take like 2-3 months at least. I would usually run about 20-40 minutes. I am also curious how well i will run now since i have been working out for a while! So i am looking forward to that. And i also wonder if my dog wants to tag along.
I think for the body that i want, this is just the best way to get there. I also bought some new gym clothes earlier this week. I got my first package today. One of the pants i got was fitting EXACTLY as i wanted it. Perfectly baggy etc. I bought a size L while i can easily fit in XS but i usually buy S for a bit of room, but when it comes to baggy (which i like) you gotta buy bigger! That brand had more of those types of pants and they were cheap too so i am sending all the other pants back and i am going to buy more from that brand lol. I think that will help a lot too to have gym outfits that i like and feel comfortable in. And also that i have at least 5-7 different outfits. I have 2 baggy black pants that i usually wear. And then i have some leggings but i never feel comfortable with leggings in the gym (just sometimes when i wear them with a big shirt). And i also have a light grey baggy pant but i can't do cardio in those cause you can see the sweat in my butt crack LOL. I also have 2 tank tops (grey and black) that i really like so i ordered 2 more of those and 1 in pink. I already have enough sport bras so i don't need those although one or two extra would be nice, but i will only get them when i can find them on a good discount. I also got another pair of skater shoes. Skater shoes are really flat so perfect to do leg day in. I usually use my skate shoes when i do leg day at home but i also wear them outside so i don't use them in the gym, so i hope these new ones are cool so i can wear those in the gym. I am also bleaching my hair again which makes me also feel more comfortable in my skin. So all that together makes it easier for me to be going to the gym!
Also this weekend i want to do a fast. When i get up tomorrow i want to not drink anything except for tea and water and take my vitamins and my meds. My roommate has to work tomorrow but he also has to pick up a package in town so when he comes home we want to walk into town to pick it up and i wanted to buy some pudding so after we come home from that i wanted to eat pudding with some protein granola and i will drink some orange juice and probably leave it at that.
Then on Sunday i kind of want to do the same thing. Not eat any calories until 6-8PM. I then want to do a HUGE cutting week where i will consume very little food. I know it isn't healthy but i just have to go through it: averaging from 600 - 800 calories a day with one day where i can eat 1500~ calories. I will see how my body responds to this. I might measure my body with a measuring tape to see how many inches i will lose. When i feel better after a week in terms of body image i will slowly go back to eating 1,200 calories + 60-80g of protein. If not, i will repeat the cutting week again. Let's see how it goes. But i feel like anything is better than this right now.
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