Tuesday, January 14, 2025

PT Day 33: Upper body

So, my gym buddy is still sick. Which i already thought would happen. So i was gonna go to the gym alone today, at least for the first 40 minutes, which kinda sucked cause i feel uncomfortable doing upper body exercises on my own cause of all the big guys that walk around the dumbbell area. My gym buddy and i were gonna be there earlier but because he wasn't there i decided to go at 1.45PM and as i walked in and hung up my coat and stuff (it's freezing temps outside!), my PT came in LOL. So we did 10 minutes of cardio together. Then we did half of my upper body day. Then we had the evaluation. After the eval we continued with upper body day and he even joined! So that was fun. A lot of annoying people today in the gym though. It was packed! So i am glad i didn't go earlier on my own cause i would've probably left or something heh. He also asked if i wanted to get weighed and i was like "nah". So we will weigh on Friday. Which means i have 3 more days to shed some weight. This does motivate me and now i have a clear goal sooo that's nice! 

  • 10 minutes treadmill (5/5)
  • 1x12 30kg 2x10 35kg row
  • 6x5 lat pulldown 30kg
  • 1x12 6kg, 2x10 7kg chest press
  • 1x12 7kg, 1x9 8kg, 1x6 8kg, 1x7 7kg bicep curls
  • 1x12 5kg 2x10 6kg shoulder press
  • 2x12 40kg 1x12 35kg
  • 3x12 7.5kg tricep extension
We couldn't do the overhead tricep extension cause some tall annoying ginger kid was on the machine that we needed and we couldn't do it anywhere else. Instead of us "working in" he said "oh i just started" and he was doing some exercise per arm and then when he was done he started doing something else. So instead of waiting we went for the assisted pullups and after the assisted pullups we just went for the normal tricep extension. There was also another guy training who asked the dude if he was done soon and he was like "no". I hate people who hog a machine for like 20 minutes wtf lol. Go train at another time or something or let people on the machine while you rest? He then asked me if i was done soon and i was like "last set, probably 1-2 minutes :)". But then again, my gym is small and needs way more machines. I can't imagine what the gym is like at peak times ugh!

I btw did drink a protein smoothie after my work-out. I only blended the protein with some chocolate protein soy mylk; no banana, nothing. It was actually pretty good, so i think i can withhold the banana from now on to save on calories. I also only ate 900 calories today, and got 60g of protein, just enough! I ate two pieces of potato gratin and some protein soy bits before my work-out, then after work-out my protein smoothie, and then later in the evening granola with soy yogurt and an apple. I know i'm eating pretty unhealthy and way below what i should be eating but damn i don't care. I don't really feel that hungry which is nice. On  Friday i am going to celebrate with pizza!

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