Today i opted for upper body since i worked out alone on Tuesday and i did legs. The intern was there again today and she was the one that was guiding me through the work-outs. I didn't like her as much as the PT, since she is more focused on the therapeutic part of exercise. She also said she did a lot of cross-fit and her record in pull-ups are 18 (impressive). She just talked a lot and tried to make me "aware" of how much i am not aware of my body. I didn't really like that lol. I prefer my PT when he just talks to me about random stuff and encourages me through my workouts. It makes me feel more... normal? Idk. At one point, because she was talking so much about how "i should feel" and whatever, we were close to the end time so we did supersets. Cause she was like "you can do lie down dumbbell thingie and then do sit up dumbbell thingie right after" and i was like "so like a superset?" and she was like "no, just you do x for x muscles and then you do y for y muscles so your muscles can chill and we are done faster". This did work, but isn't that what a superset is? (i just checked and it is read more)
I also didn't push myself that hard on the treadmill cause i was talking to the intern so i walked on a slower speed for some time and i didn't notice so after we were done i went on the adductors to stretch my muscles and since the gym was basically empty i decided to also go on the abductors and i realized i could easily do 42.5kg which was pretty crazy. So next time 45kg? Maybe. And since it was empty i also went on the elliptical to sweat a little bit. And then i went home!
Next Tuesday we will have the evaluation and as i said before, i hope i will get another 8 weeks with my PT. That is the best outcome. Because it will be just me and my PT i will probably tell him about the fact that i probably do not really like PMT cause it makes me so "aware", and i prefer to feel "normal". I think that has been always my thing though, with therapy too. I sit there and have to talk about all my faults and things i struggle with and it is already something i think about 247. Now i have to go outside and waste my time with someone else who makes me aware of all those things i am already aware about 247??? It makes me more anxious. I already had that feeling with therapy and stuff, but i am glad i am vindicated now, because i actually realize that yeah... this doesn't work. Maybe therapy really isn't for me and i just need a normal person to hang out with lol. So essentially what i need is a friend.
- 10 minutes treadmill
- 4x12 rows ??kg
- 4x12 lat pulldown ??kg
- 3x10 lie down dumbbell something 4kg
- 3x10 sit up dumbbell something 4kg
- 3x10 tricep pulldown idk 7.5kg
- 3x15 adductors (25 > 27.5 > 27.5kg)
- 3x15 abductors (35 > 40 > 42.5kg)
- 10 minutes elliptical (5 - 1min) (6 - 4min) (7 - 1min) (8 - 2min) (7 - 1min) (6 - 1min)
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