Tuesday, September 24, 2024

PT: Day 3 (alone)

 PT was AWOL today, because he had a day off or something. I did go to the gym! I did:

  • 10 minutes steps (3 minutes on 6, 7 minutes on 5)
  • 2x12 leg press, 50kg - 2x10 leg press 60kg
  • 3x10 abductors, 30kg
  • 3x10 leg extension, 25kg
  • 1x10 leg curls 25 kg, 3x8 leg curls, 30 kg

Yesterday i didn't do upper body so i guess i will do it tomorrow. I also added some pages to my blog at the top header for my protein smoothie, some clear protein advice, and also a helpful videos section!
My dog woke me up a little before 12PM this morning. I thanked her for waking me up. I started to get ready for the gym but was anxious the entire time. I felt so anxious that i honestly thought i wasn't going to go. I was already annoyed that i woke up later than i wanted and i was just mad at myself. I told myself that if it gets too much at the gym that we can always leave. So i just went. When i got in the gym there were only 4 people and at one point there were only 2 people (+ me is 3 but still)!!! I arrived at the gym at around 02.40PM, by the time i left it started to become more crowded. So going there on Tuesdays around 2PM seems like the play, but i wont be able to until November when the contract ends with my PT.

I wonder now if it is so quiet because the gym craze on tiktok is over? I remember last year it was so crowded no matter what hour i went. It was mainly younger people then as well. When it became summer vacation it was absolutely insane, and that is when i kinda stopped going. I don't go on tiktok so idk if it is true what i say or not. I have heard here and there that the 90s skinny chic look is coming back, so who knows. In any regard, i am happy it was so quiet! There was one early 20s gym bro doing his arms, an older man, an older woman, and a younger guy. Then when i was done with the leg press the younger guy left, then when i was doing abductors the old guy left. So it was just me and the two others LOL. Nice. Ok now i need to make my protein smoothie!!! I already stretched so at least i did that.

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