Monday, September 9, 2024


Today i woke up late again, but when i woke up i was immediately productive. I ate a little over 1,294 calories and about 112.7 grams of protein.

I went to bed at 4AM, which is annoying. I was getting really tired around 12-1 AM but i was scared that if i would go to bed i wouldn't be able to sleep. So i told myself to stay awake until 2-3AM, but when i checked the clock it was all of a sudden 4AM, rip. I will set an alarm for myself next time so i go to bed at 3AM. The last time i went to bed at 3AM it was easy for me to wake up at 11. Now, i woke up and i fell back asleep until almost 2PM, which is gross!

My roommate woke me up this morning. He does this sometimes, where he will get out of bed but he will do it very loudly for some reason. Nothing else wakes me up except for him getting out of bed. And that's usually around 7. If you then think about it, it makes sense why i then get up at 2AM. I got woken up in the middle of my sleep and now my body is like "we have to sleep again". Cause from 7AM till 2PM, that is 7 hours. And from 4AM till 2PM that is 10 hours. I in no way shape or form need 10 hours of sleep LOL. So yeah, i need to tell him to stop doing that.

But when i did get up today i made a nice overview of what i wanted to eat today and make sure the calories and protein were good. It took me a few minutes to write down all the calories from the products i use in my kitchen and then i went to my PC to put them in a spreadsheet, which only took me 15 minutes. For today i have 1,295 calories and 93.5 protein planned so let's see if i stick to that. My dinner is very high in protein and calories so i might just split that up in 2 meals.

Now i want to get ready, walk my dog, and then come home and clean my apartment. I don't if i have time to do upper body today but maybe i'll just do it later tonight and i'll do it in my room or something.

It rained earlier so i couldn't immediately walk my dog when i was done with my routine. Instead i cleaned up the hallway and a little bit of my living room. My neighborhood cat came to visit which was nice. She sat in the doorway and dozed off for a little bit. I refitted my running/walking sneakers i got some time ago. I have been using my cheap knock off all-stars now at the gym but i want to use better shoes so i want to wear those tomorrow. I then tried to walk my dog but we were outside for barely a minute and she immediately wanted to go home, don't know what that was about. I am going to try and walk her now, but i feel like many people are walking their dogs so that is going to be annoying. Oh well... routine is routine.

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