Monday, September 16, 2024

Prepping for tomorrow

Tomorrow will be my first work-out with my personal trainer! This weekend i rediscovered an old calorie counting website and i made a post-it wall with goals i want to accomplish. I also applied for a job today! Fingers crossed. Today i ate 1574 calories and 123 grams of protein and i took 3 post-its off the wall.

From now on i will just refer to my personal trainer with PT cause it is easier. Our first day will be tomorrow. He asked me to fill out 3 questionnaires for him, which i did. They were mainly basic questionnaires asking how i felt physically and mentally blablabla. In another survey i also had to fill in 3 goals, there were drop down menus that i could choose from and then i also had to say what i wanted to do to combat these problems and what my actions will be during our training. This is, more or less, what i filled out:

  1. Handle psychological problems
    • What i want to do: reduce anxiety and manage stress (for going outside) through physical activity 
    • Actions: engage in weightlifting and cardio activities to release endorphins. set small achievable fitness milestones to build confidence and a sense of accomplishment 
  2. More structure in my day
    • What i want to do: establish a consistent workout routine to create a sense of order and predictability. use exercise sessions to anchor other daily activities and responsibilities.
    • Actions: schedule workouts around an action/same day to build habits. plan workouts in advance. use a fitness journal to track progress and stay organized.
  3. Discipline (ADHD)
    • What i want to do: increase my capabilities to listen to my body and understand my own limits. develop a better body and mind connection.
    • Actions: watch for tired or uncomfortable signs and adjust intensity accordingly
I think that is more or less what i wrote. I send him a message saying i filled out the forms and he replied that these were good goals that he could work with. So i guess that is good? I btw used AI to help me out. Figuring out the goals with the drop down menu was easier for me cause it helped me narrow down with what i want. Then i asked AI to fill out the rest basically LOL. The AI gave me multiple answers per point so i kind of jumbled them together or i just took one point that i liked. So i guess that worked out.

The downside now is that i have my period and it is a pretty heavy one. Yesterday i spend most of the time in bed with a heating pad cause i was in so much pain. My PT send me a message today also saying he wants to weigh me tomorrow, measure my fat, and something else. He also wants to do a bike test and some ab exercise test? I don't know what those will be. I told him i am on my period so i am not as capable as usual. I also don't want to know what my weight is cause that will just trigger me.

I also found my old calorie diary website that i used to use waaaaaaaaaay back when. It is still active! It is called loseit. The website portal says to download the app cause they don't update the website anymore, but i like that. It is exactly how it used to be. The last time i logged something was in 2015(!). And i could also see my old goals and stuff lol. This weekend i put a lot of my foods in the app cause it will be easier to keep track of what i am eating than me having to calculate it myself all the time which is what i have been doing. It is just easier writing in the number of what i have been eating and it automatically calculates it. I also put all the values of the food in my thing so i can also see how many carbs i've eaten and protein(!) of course, which is the most important one. I don't know why i am so excited and happy rediscovering that website. I don't even know how or why the thought of the website came to me, but it did, and i am happy about it.

This weekend i also made a post-it wall. It is basically a wall above my desk where i hung different colored post-its with different goals i want to achieve and when i have achieved it i can remove it and i put it in my day planner. The goal is to make the wall empty. I have notes that with my morning routine > walk dog > stretch there but also brushing my dog or doing the laundry. The laundry notes for example are yellow with orange marker and the routine ones are blue with dark blue marker etc. IT looks really nice and i am excited to work with this system!

I also applied for a job today. It will pay a lot which is what i need. I refuse to work a shitty job and get paid minimum wage. On top of that it is work from home and i get a lot of freedom, which is also what i need. So, fingers crossed!

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