Aaaaa. Today i was supposed to go to the gym, but i woke up and i felt like i got hit by a bus. Maybe i am pushing myself too much cause i still have my vitamin deficiency going on, and i need more rest? Today is supposed to be leg day, but i might just make it an ab day and if i feel a bit better later on i might do some squats or something. I don't know how long it takes to get my vitamin levels ok again. I know vitamin D deficiency can make it so your muscle soreness lasts longer (which explains why i sometimes have DOMs for over a week).
It kind of bothers me that my physical therapist told me that "i went too hard" when i told her last month i still had pretty bad DOMs a few days after my work-out, instead of suggesting for me to get a blood test since it could be vitamin D deficiency. I feel this way a lot with many professionals; they get clouded by their own judgements and because of that they tunnel vision. Instead of letting sink in what the other person said and filtering it through their knowledge. It is like everyone immediately wants to judge. This happens everywhere, with everyone nowadays. It just bothers me more when it comes from professionals in certain fields. They should know better, right?
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