Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Midnight schizo post

So if you've read my entire previous post, i wrote about asking AI to help me out with my daily routine. And i know that i keep making planners for myself etc. but i feel like that whenever i go off course i can just ask AI to motivate me again. Right? I don't know if this will work. So i am just going to ramble a little bit to get this off my mind.

I brush my teeth basically every morning and that i always wash my face. These are things that i just do. If i don't do them my teeth will rot and my skin will look bad. And that is with everything in my life:

  •    I haven't uploaded a video on my YouTube channel in a while so my views and subscriber numbers are dormant
  • I haven't edited my music blog in a while so my numbers there are dormant too
  • I haven't been going to the gym or having a proper exercise schedule so my body doesn't look as good
  • I haven't been eating well so i don't feel as good as i could and also it affects what my body looks like
  • I haven't been making music in a while so i feel creatively bored
So why do i care about brushing my teeth and washing my face every morning? I think it is just easier to do those tasks BUT when i think about it... editing, writing for my music blog, going to the gym, exercising, making music, and eating well all takes way more effort. BUT if i cycle through all of these things weekly i can easily manage, right?

Okay so, every morning i wake up, i brush my teeth, wash my face, do my make-up etc. I should get used to walking my dog afterwards. I have to figure out how long of a walk i want to make it. I think 15 minutes is good. It is not too long, but also not too short.
  • Brush teeth, wash face/shower, breakfast make-up, get dressed > I walk my dog
When i come back from walking my dog i should make it a habit to stretch.
  • Walk Dog > Stretch
I should after stretching always exercise. Even if i don't want to go to the gym that day, i should do some form of exercise like an upper body or lower body day at home or doing a core routine.
  • Stretch > Work-out/Go to gym/Exercise
After i exercise i should drink a smoothie. Every single day i should drink a smoothie to up my protein intake and to give me more energy and to build my muscles.
  • Exercise > Drink smoothie
When i drink my smoothie i should do it somewhere neutral, like outside, or in the living room on the couch while not doing anything else except maybe listening to music. Take a solitude break for at least 5 minutes. After drinking my smoothie i should do the dishes, mainly to clean my blender, but also other dishes.
  • Drink smoothie > Do dishes
I want to keep the no gaming/no youtube during the day going, so after doing the dishes i should video edit. I should do this till 3-4 PM and then walk my dog Rhea as a break. Depending on the day, or what time it is i should adjust the walking time (either 15 minutes or 45 minutes).
  • Do dishes > Video edit
  • Video edit > Walk dog
After walking my dog i should do a short stretch (5 minutes).
  • Walk dog > Stretch (5 minutes)
After stretching i should go back to editing until my roommate comes home.
  • Stretch (5 minutes) > Video editing
  • Video editing > Roommate home
Once my roommate is home i can do leisure activities until he goes to bed. I should then video edit again for at least 1 hour, then reward myself with leisure, and then go to bed.
  • Roommate home > Leisure
  • Leisure > Video edit (1 hour)
  • Video edit (1 hour) > Leisure
  • Leisure > Sleep
I think this is pretty good. I should, however, try to do it not all at once. This is the perfect overview of what i want to do in a day. What i should start with is building habits. So every morning i get up, do my morning routine and then walk my dog. AI said i should do this consistently for 2-3 weeks before i introduce stretching. I don't know if 2-3 weeks is too long to wait. So i am going to do 1 week, otherwise i feel like it's too long? But at the same time i am scared to fail. What if i just don't fail though? What if failure is just not an option?
  • 2 September - 8 September: morning routine > walk dog
  • 9 September - 15 September: morning routine > walk dog > stretch
  • 16 September - 22 September: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise
  • 23 September - 29 September: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie
  • 30 September - 6 October: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes
  • 7 October - 13 October: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit
  • 14 October - 20 October: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog
  • 21 October - 27 October: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog > stretch (5 minutes)
  • 28 October - 3 November: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog > stretch (5 minutes) > video editing
  • 4 November - 10 November: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog > stretch (5 minutes) > video editing > roommate home
  • 11 November - 17 November: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog > stretch (5 minutes) > video editing > roommate home > leisure
  • 18 November - 24 November: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog > stretch (5 minutes) > video editing > roommate home > leisure > video edit (1 hour)
  • 25 November - 1 December: morning routine > walk dog > stretch > exercise > drink smoothie > do dishes > video edit > walk dog > stretch (5 minutes) > video editing > roommate home > leisure > video edit (1 hour) > Leisure
So by December i should've build my habits. IF I STICK TO IT. Okay what if there is no "if" what if i don't have a choice and i just have to do it? Ok that's it. I am just going to do it. From tomorrow on i am going to try and do the morning routine > walk dog thing. That's the one thing i HAVE to do. I still want to do all the other things too but it doesn't matter if i fail those. I am just going to focus on the first two tasks. When i fail i have to start over. And that is just how it is going to be.

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