Yesterday i ended up not doing my arms and core so i guess that was my rest day which means i will have to do it tomorrow. I did walk the dog tho for about 1 hour. Today i did leg day at home and i walked the dog again.
- 5x5 Barbell Squats (10kg)
- 5x5 Romanian Dead Lifts (18kg)
- 1x12 Hip Thrusts (12kg), 1x12 (14kg), 1x12 (18kg), 1x12 (20kg)
- 3x8 Bulgarian Split Squats (7.5kg)
- 3x10 Side bends (10kg)
Before i picked up the dog i was fine but once i started walking the muscle above my ankle started to hurt and it dawned on me that i had forgotten to stretch on Thursday after working out so welp. It's luckily just above the ankle and it only hurts when i'm walking, mainly. I hope i just lightly pulled the muscle and the pain goes away soon.
I opted to go back to 10kg squats again to see how that would go, and to work on my form more and it went pretty well. It is kind of insane that i couldn't even do 10kg squats a few weeks ago, and now they go kinda easy. I still have to practice how to go deeper in a squat, but it will come with time i guess.
For my RDLs i did the 18kg again, the same that i did on Thursday. They're pretty tough and i really need to get wrist straps cause i'm not sure if i could go up in weight otherwise.
Hip thrusts today went better than usual as well. Something that i realized is that when i took off my 18kg plates (2x5kg, 4x2kg) and i put on my 10kg plates that it was waaaay easier to hip thrust. I feel like it has something to do with balancing; like when i have more plates on the barbell it is more difficult. I think i could easily start with 20kg plates next time and then just put 1 or 2 kg plates on them per set, and see how that goes. I did feel it burning in my booty more and i even had some lactic acid build up at one point.
Bulgarian Split Squats went alright today. I feel that i can't do certain exercises properly because i have issues with breathing. I don't know if i have mentioned this here before but i have a deviated septum and i have a very hard time breathing through my nose; it always feels like i am breathing back into my face and like i don't get enough air. I need surgery to fix it, which i am planning on doing some time in the future, but until then i have to just live with it which kind of sucks. I only did 3 sets of 8 reps today cause i started to feel really tired and out of it.
I ended with some side bends since i have been neglecting my core the past few days and i made sure to stretch at the end.
I was thinking to try and go to the gym every day for real this time to do cardio because i feel like my body looks more flabby right now, but if the pain above my ankle doesn't go away then idk if it is a smart move to do that, but we will see.
Eating wise i need to do better as well. I haven't really been eating enough and thus not really fueling my body with enough protein. I think i will walk to the super market tomorrow with the dog to get some more protein food but we'll see how i feel, otherwise i will just bike there. I need to make an overview of what i want to eat the coming week so it is easier to prepare stuff etc.
I am also thinking about making a google doc/sheet with all my work-outs and what i do every week so i have a more proper overview of the gains that i am making.
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