Yesterday i didn't exercise at home. I had an appointment in the afternoon and had to go to the store after and when i got home it was already 4.30PM and i agreed with my roommate that we would go to a store that had a huge Christmas thing set up. And it's best to go early in the week when you go there cause people from all over go to that place just to check out the Christmas things they set up and it can get really crowded. So when he got home from work we immediately went and we were there for like 3 hours LOL. It was insane though! Really pretty. There were so many Christmas things and they had set up this entire Christmas town that was huuuuge. I made some pictures, i might share them here. But yeah, no time for the gym unfortunately.
But then today i did go to the gym. I thought it was gonna be me and the new dude at 1.45PM alone, together. But then when i got there my PT just arrived and he said he told the new dude that we would meet at 2PM. Soooo... we did warmup and then did warmup again when the dude arrived lol. It was nice working out with him. We use about the same weights which is cool. Makes me feel less self-conscious. We joked around a lot and talked about music and games so that's cool. We also briefly talked about therapy cause he also goes to therapy, so yeah! Cool stuff. Cool dude. And from now on we will always workout together because the PT said it is better for him and his hours. So, that's what we will do!
- 10 minutes treadmill
- 3x12 rows ??kg
- 3x12 lat pulldown 25kg
- 3x12 lie down dumbbell something 6kg
- 3x10 sit up dumbbell something 6kg
- 3x10 shoulder press 6kg
- 3x12 tricep pulldown idk 7.5kg
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