Monday, December 2, 2024

Lower body monday

Today i went to the gym alone. I had an appointment early in the day so i had to get up early so i was like "oh i can go to the gym early" but nah i was still only at the gym at 3 or 3.30 i forgot. It wasn't that crowded but i think that might be because of the rain. For some reason everything is dead when it rains. I sometimes think people are just NPCs from a video game.


  • Elliptical 10 minutes  (5 1min 6 then 7 30secs 8 1min 5cd
  • Stairmaster 10 minutes 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 5
  • Adductor stretch 2x12 30kg 1x12 35kg 
  • Leg press (low legs) 5x12 (30 > 60 > 60 > 60  > 70)
  • Sumo squat 5x6 (14kg)
  • Sumo deadlift 2x8 (14kg) 3x10 (10kg)
  • Stiff-legged deadlift 5x10 (10kg)
I remember now how i lost so much fat so fast in the first 1-2 months i went to the gym in the beginning: i did the stairmaster 2-3 times a week. I did it again today; i hadn't been on it for like a year or something. I was SWEATING LIKE CRAZY. The elliptical made me out of breath, sure. But the stairs KILLED me and i was only on it for 10 minutes. I also felt a burn in my calves and it just knocked me out. When i came home i felt like i was still out of breath LOL. Anyways, so i did 20 minutes of hardcore cardio, followed by a small pause, adductors for stretching mainly and then the leg press. I wanted to do 6 sets of leg press by doing two times 70kg at the end but i felt so out of it that i decided not to do it. I also put my feet lower to feel it really in my quads so it burned a lot.

I then biked home and did sumo squats. I was at first not sure if i could do 14kg cause i accidentally loaded up 14kg for my deadlift but i wanted to do squats first so i tried it and i could do it. I just didn't feel comfortable doing full reps so i went with 5x6 and that went pretty well. I then did sumos but felt that 14kg was too high, since it was a sumo deadlift which means i bring the bar all the way down and it was a pain so i went to 10kg and it felt better. Then i ended with the stiff deadlift that i did for the first time. I had a video playing about how to do it by dr. Mike which was helpful as i went through my reps and adjusted myself accordingly. I actually had the bulgarian split squat planed and the hip thrust but i was like "nah" so i went with higher reps for both deadlifts and that worked out pretty well!

Now i will write more about how my weekend was (yesterday i went to a Christmas market) and a little rant about my roommate today regarding support and my apartment.
So first about my roommate. He just came home as i had just finished making my smoothie. Since i just worked out i asked him how my legs and glutes looked since i was just about to shower and i showed off my legs in my shorts. I realized how big my inner thighs had gotten (the adductors) they are touching lol, while the rest of my legs cant touch. It looks a bit silly but they have grown a lot! He said "yeah". Ok a bit lukewarm. I was honestly amazed by how much they had grown but alright. I then showed my thighs and said that i wasn't that happy with their growth yet. And then my butt that i feel is really shaping up. He was like in the most monotonous voice ever "yeah great". I was like "what do you mean yeah great? can't you just be a bit more excited for me?" and he immediately became defense saying how he just came home from work and blablabla. Then he started to pick a fight with me and i was like "so you have the energy to pick a fight with me but not to say "wow Peri you are making great progress!". It just annoyed me and honestly made me feel embarrassed and i shared that sentiment with him but he just shrugged it off. Guess i am not sharing my gains with him anymore. I really need to get a gym friend that i can talk gains with. My roommate is obviously not interested in supporting me which is fine but i wish he was just honest about it. He said "oh i told you the other day that you have made great progress" but he made a comment like.... 1 month ago LOL. I just don't like how he instantly became defense instead of just changing his tone for one fucking second to show some support. I guess i am asking for too much, whoops.

And yesterday we went to the Christmas market. I almost didn't go cause on Saturday my roommate did some dumb shit again which really upset me and he started to pick a fight with me (again). I sobbed in my room for like 10 minutes like a loser. I don't like to cry over dumb shit stupid people do but fuck dude. You live in MY house and then act like that??? I tried a few times to talk about cleaning the apartment with him but it is literally like he doesn't get it??? Today he asked if he could bring one of his guitar amps over to my apartment cause he wants to sell it and that thing is HUGE. I asked him "where do you wanna put it". He was like "idk the back maybe?". I have a backroom, but guess what IT'S FULL WITH STUFF. I would have to make space!!! Not to mention that he can't even wheel it through my apartment because there is shit everywhere. And i was like "yeah we can get it when we clean up my apartment". And he was like "oh okay". So guess what he did today? Not ask what we could clean up LOL. We could've literally cleaned for like 15 minutes together and at least something would've been done but he didn't even offer. He just waits for me to initiate, and that is it. Every day i feel like i am losing my goddamn mind and it seems like he doesn't even care. To this day i still haven't gotten a thank you for letting me stay here comment. I appreciate it so much comment. Or even a plant or a flower as a thank you. I get nothing. I really feel like he doesn't give a shit and thinks it's just a normal thing to let a friend stay in your small one-bedroom apartment for a year. It's insane!!! Sorry that the rant became longer but it still bothers me every day. I always have to stop myself from complaining about him in my blog posts lol. Whenever i bring up to people that he doesn't seem appreciative that he lives here people tend to agree with me. I once was really annoyed with my roommate and started ranting a little at my PT about my roommate that i always have to tell him when and what to clean and that it is getting on my nerves. You should've seen his face! He was like "Wh-what?" and basically said that it seemed kind of rude and disrespectful. He was like "You let him stay in your house and he doesn't even clean the entire place! You shouldn't even have to clean! He should be thankful you let him stay at your place!". He doesn't even know that broski doesn't pay any rent either. If i would tell this to anyone they would lose their collective minds. The funny thing is also that he used to have that part-time job where he would come home in the early afternoon, remember? And it was the same shit. He would never clean, just vacuum sometimes. Now he doesn't even vacuum anymore. It's just nothing, never, ever. And the worst thing is also that his coworkers all "relax and chill" in the weekend and play video games so now he started doing that too and he feels like he "deserves" it or something. So every Saturday and Sunday he just sits and games. Which isn't a problem, but like... you would think we could maybe deep clean my apartment one weekend some time and then we just have to keep it up every weekend and we don't have to clean for hours anymore? I told him that was my plan in the beginning but it just doesn't happen. I cleaned the bathroom a few weeks ago and i told him i wanted to keep it cleaned up and he was like "yeah!" but doesn't take any effective steps towards keeping it cleaned up. It's so tired and it's just annoying that it doesn't get that into his head. Because i have a bigger dog who loses hair i just have to clean more often than other people. He agreed to live with me so he agreed with the living circumstances. But i feel like he thinks "your dog, your problem; your apartment, your problem". I told him a month ago that i want him to clean the shower and he was like "yeah sure" and i was like "yeah i think there's a bit of mold and idk how to get rid of that" i was met with silence so i said "guess we should research what we can use to clean that up!" and he was like "yeah just let me know". LOL. Dude YOU can research that too you know... Bro looks at cars all day on instagram but cant do a 5 minute google search on how to clean up those black spots in the shower. Absolutely embarrassing. 

The worst thing is also that i am usually mad at him or annoyed cause he doesn't clean the place. So you would think that if he doesn't want to get me mad he would clean my place more with me, but instead he just doesn't. He doesn't take any steps, shows no proactivism nothing. And then he is surprised when i am annoyed at him. Like... if someone gets mad at you over the same thing over and over again you would think he'd get the hint LOL. I just think he is an overall deceitful person who only has his own wants and needs in mind and doesn't care about anything or anyone else. Total sociopathic behavior.

I don't even want to talk about the Christmas market anymore.

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