Yesterday we did cardio again and today i was late. I felt like i got hit by a truck when i woke up and i felt nauseated and had lower back pain (i've been having that since this weekend). Idk what is going on. I feel like it might be that my body is growing, but since i am not doing any core exercises my core is lagging behind and that is why i get lower backpain? Idk. So i guess i need to think about including some core stuff in my (already kinda busy) schedule.
- 3x10 assisted pullups 35kg
- 3x12 lie incline dumbbell chest? 7kg
- 3x12 shoulder press 5kg
- 3x12 lat pulldown 25kg
- 3x10 rows 25kg
- 3x12 dumbbell alternate bicep? 6kg
- 3x12 triceps idk 7.5kg
Also, it didn't matter that much that i was late. Last week our PT asked my gym buddy what he needs from him as they enter the second phase. My gym buddy said that he mainly needed "lifestyle guidance" especially in terms of his diet, so i recommended he would start a food diary; not necessarily writing down the calories (as that can be overwhelming) but just writing down what he eats during the week. So they agreed on doing that. He kept at it the entire week! And today they ended up discussing it. So just as i got into the gym they were on their first exercise so i wasn't that much behind. But since i didn't feel too well i ended up taking longer rests and stuff so once they were done i still had 2 exercises and our PT had to leave. My gym buddy stayed until i was done which was nice. I also basically went down on almost every exercise in weight since i wasnt feeling it (at least the machine weights, not dumbbells).
And as you can see the PT also kept his word and changed the order of our workouts so it would be easier to do certain things. I honestly feel like we do too much for our upper body day lol and it would be easier if we could split them into two days but whatever. I do feel and see a change in my upper body so i guess it works!?
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