Thursday, June 6, 2024

Long time, no see

Oh my... i haven't written here for what feels like decades! So much has changed it feels like. Also it seems that no one has found my blog yet in the meantime, which i consider a good thing, because it makes me feel less "viewed". However, it would be nice to have at least like 2 or 3 readers who i can discuss things with, but i guess those days of the internet are over.

So updates, i guess? Uhh, well AI is taking over now, which has its good sides and bad sides. The good is that i can generate pictures for my posts that will fit with the theme of the day and how i feel (cause i was running out of cute work-out cartoon pictures tbh!). The bad is that it will probably take over the world and kill us all.

I currently have a roommate. He's a good friend so it has been nice. He has a car so he drives me places, which has also been nice and we have been going to concerts and stuff, which i missed. I have become lazier since he has been around and i eat like crap, but i am trying to change that now.

I have my adopted dog! She's so sweet and i love her so much. We bonded really quickly. It's just difficult for me sometimes to leave her alone at home, because i get so attached to her. She does really well though when she is left alone. She is a bit bigger than i thought and had hoped for, but that is okay. It is just more difficult for me now to take her places, which is a bummer. But now that i have a roommate it has been a bit better!

My roommate and i are trying to start a band. It will be within the metal genre of music. We are currently looking for additional bandmates and in our search someone recommended me an old drummer friend of mine! I have his number now and will contact him tomorrow and i am super stoked for that. I hope he will be as excited as i am, and if he doesn't want to join the band i would at least like to meet up with him again to see how he is doing! We literally haven't spoken in YEARS.

Working out hasn't been going too well. I have been working-out every so often at home. A handful of times i have been trying to go to the gym. I have definitely gained weight. I lost some of my muscle mass... i have been trying to build it back up in the last 3-4 weeks or so and it has been going well except for last week, but at least i haven't given up on working out entirely yet.

My anxieties are still bothering me, but i have enrolled myself in some physical therapy that helps with anxiety and it has been working wonders, honestly. I have only had 3 appointments so far but i look forward to each appointment, and i feel like i am really doing better. Even if it is only just a little bit.

Tomorrow i will have an appointment with a personal trainer who is specialized in people who battle with anxiety, so that is neat too. I hope it will become something nice, because i had an appointment with another one of those guys and he turned out to be horrible. He was a horrible communicator, extremely arrogant, and would often cancel appointments. So hopefully this guy is better.

I am writing here today (tonight) because i want to start with this blog again, and i want to start working out again. I enjoyed tracking my progress and venting every once in a while. Summer season is starting again at the gym which i am anxious for but i will try and pull through.

Tomorrow i want to do upper body. After my afternoon appointment with personal trainer guy i will probably go into town to get some supplies that i need and then when i go home i want to do upper-body while watching some obscure foreign movie a friend of mine recommended.

On Saturday i want to do legs once my roommate goes to work later in the afternoon. And Sunday will be rest/stretch day. I will just have to figure out what i will eat, so i don't overeat, and i don't undereat, but i also get enough protein. Important!

I am going to get ready for bed now! Nightnight!

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