Thursday, June 8, 2023


AAAAAAAAAAA it's june!!! It's my birth month!!! My birthday was actually last Saturday. I had a pretty nice birthday with a unicorn cake that costed way too much money but at least i had it all too myself. I ate from it for like 4 days haha. It was a nice breakfast and dessert to have. I did work-out the last few days but didn't write about it here so i will catch you up:

Tuesday, May 30

Wanted to go to the gym today but ended up working out at home. I felt kinda weak today so didn't push myself too hard. Hip thrusts hurt my butt so i should keep the weight but should go up in reps.

  • Squats 4x10 10kg 
  • RDL 4x10 16kg 
  • Hip thrusts 4x8 20kg 
  • Bulgarians 3x10 7.5kg

Thursday, June 1

Went to the gym. Ended up starting with a higher weight in hip adductors and it was so easy. Then went down in weight at the end. I could've probably easily done 40kg. Next time i am going to start with 35 kg. At home i did RDLs.

  • Hip adductors 1x15 (30kg), 1x12 (30kg), 2x12 (25kg)
  • Leg press 1x15 (50kg), 2x12 (60kg), 2x10 (70kg)
  • Leg extension 1x10 (20kg), 2x10 (25kg), 2x8 (30kg)
  • RDL 2x12 (10kg), 2x10 (14kg) 

On Friday (June 2) I did some preparations for my birthday and on Saturday (June 3) was my birthday so i did absolutely nothing haha. My birthday was nice. It was quiet and just as i wanted it to be. I ate pizza for dinner! On Sunday i didn't do anything either. I had pizza left-overs and some other snacks for left overs so i ate like a savage haha. 

Monday, June 5
Decided to upper body day today:
  • bent-over barbell row 4x10 (10kg)
  • bar curl 4x12 (4kg)
  • Bent over dumbbell row 3x12 (7.5kg) (single arm)
  • Dumbell shoulder press 4x8 (4kg)
  • sitting oblique twists with bar 3x12
  • Dumbbell side bend 3x12 (7.5kg)
  • Negative pull-ups 5x5

Tuesday, June 6
Wanted to go to the gym but decided against it so did leg day at home:
  • Squats 4x10 12kg 
  • RDL 2x12 14kg, 2x10 16kg
  • Hip thrusts 4x10 20kg (next time 30kg, 10+5 weights easy)
  • Bulgarians 3x10 7.5kg

Wednesday, June 7
Core day!!!
  • Bicycle crunches 4x20 (per leg)
  • Seated knee tuck 3x15 
  • 3x15 Reversed crunch
  • Dead bug 3x15 (per leg)
  • 3x12 Weighted oblique twist (per side) (7.5kg)

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